April 4
The Carol Burnett Show: The Best of Tim Conway: Various rights and clearance issues make complete season sets a virtual impossibility, so in the meantime, enjoy a perpetual, confusing array of lesser releases!
Diff'rent Strokes: Season 5: Two words for you: "Bicycle Man." The show really kicked it up a notch with the Very Special Episodes this season. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll never look at Gordon Jump the same way again.
May 2
Vega$ The Complete Series: All together in one package. Amazon has it for 50 bucks right now, and that's not terrible $ for 67 episodes.
May 9
ALF: The Complete Series: ALF, of course, starred in one of our episodes in the first season, but the DVD world is giving him much less respect than we did. The earlier DVD release was substandard, featuring syndication cuts. This version, sadly, appears to be no different. Maybe some Melmacian bootlegs are floating around.
Lou Grant Season 5: Shout! finishes off the great newsroom drama with the final season. -30-.
Mannix and Streets of San Francisco (Complete Series): I wish CBS would make these available for streaming somewhere because these sets are a heckuva lot more $ than that Vega$ one.
May 30
Hart to Hart: Complete Series: Imagine having every episode at your fingertips! Like the one where...Uh, or the one with...Uh...(Suffice to say I'll have to do some brushing up if we ever cover this one on the podcast).
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