Friday, June 30, 2023
YouTube Spotlight: Reading IS fundamental! Fundamentally scary?
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Show Notes and Video Playlist: Episode 11-5: ABC'S Star-Spangled Celebration
After (painfully) watching ABC’s “A Star-Spangled Celebration”--a purported tribute to America--one can only ask to what audience of intelligent patriots and lovers of real talent could such a farce have been directed? Despite all the glitz, all the noise, all the Oprah, all the Tony Bennett, all the Kareem, all the Suzanne Somers, Ben Vereen, et al., this was one of the most pointless, over-promoted and unredeeming TV productions ever foisted upon the gullible citizenry of this great country under the guise of combatting illiteracy. When will the youngsters who run American television ever learn that not all of their audience is made up of mindless teen-agers who weren’t even born when such purveyors of real talent as Fred Astaire and Jackie Gleason were in their prime?
Episode 11-5: ABC's A Star-Spangled Celebration
In 1987, ABC celebrated Independence Day by combining an evening of variety with a rally for literacy. Oprah and Robert Urich host from St. Louis as the likes of Suzanne Somers, Yakov Smirnoff, Barbara Mandell, Atlantic Starr, and a choir of 500 singers entertain from across the country. In between, filmed segments show the different ways America celebrates and provide testimonials from adults who've recently learned to read. If that weren't enough, the wife of the vice president makes an appearance! Rick and Mike break it all down and reveal a little of Rick's carny past.
#podcast #tv #retrotv #seventies #eighties #abc #oprah #roberturich #july4 #independenceday #america #literacy
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
YouTube Spotlight: RJ and Stefanie
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Top Ten #254
Friday, June 23, 2023
Power Rankings: Hart to Hart!
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Show Notes and Video Playlist: Episode 11-4: Hart to Hart
Episode 11-4: Hart to Hart
In a "Rear Windowesque" moment, Jonathan Hart witnesses a possible mur-DAH. Then in his rush to stop it, he collides with a moped and gets...AMNESIA. Sure, he remembers how to hail a cab, how to dress to the nines, how to live a life of luxury, but he doesn't remember his wife Jennifer, his loyal aide-de-camp Max, his dog Freeway, or the mur-DAH. How will this calamity affect the Harts' marriage, Max's access to sporting events, and Freeway's access to the couch? Will they solve the mur-DAH? Will Jonathan have to collide with another moped to cure his AMNESIA? Plus, what do Rick and Mike think of this latest and most famous TV entry in the married couple solving mysteries subgenre? Find out!
#podcast #tv #retrotv #seventies #eighties #harttohart #mystery #amnesia #robertwagner #jillstjohn
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
More on those "New" shows: Some reviews from Harry and Wally
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Top Ten #253: Special Father's Day Edition!
Saturday, June 17, 2023
YouTube Spotlight: Bandstand '89
Friday, June 16, 2023
"New" show ephemera: stuff related to our bonus episode
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Show Notes and Video Playlist: The All-New Game
*Lorne Michaels' The New Show was a 60-minute taped comedy show airing Fridays on NBC January to March 1984.
The All-New Game
Rick has long espoused the theory that adding "new," "all-new," "brand-new," etc. to the title of a show never works creatively or commercially. This week with the help of the BOTNS Games Lab (TM), we put that to the test in more ways than one as he runs Mike through the paces of "The All-New Game"! Ccan he distinguish shows that had "new" versions from those that didn't?
#podcast #tv #retrotv #seventies #eighties #games #new
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
And now, a word from their sponsor: The Disco Body Shaper?
Monday, June 12, 2023
Collectibles Corner: The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Top Ten #253: Special "Got this up a few hours late" Edition!
Saturday, June 10, 2023
YouTube Spotlight: The Littlest Hobo
Friday, June 9, 2023
Power Rankings: Canadians who should have been on "The Littlest Hobo"
Thursday, June 8, 2023
Show Notes and Video Playlist: Episode 11-3: The Littlest Hobo
Episode 11-3: The Littlest Hobo
This week, we venture north to Canada, where resourceful, wise, and perhaps supernatural German Shepherd The Littlest Hobo wanders Ontario in search of humans in need of help. This time, the action centers around an arcade, where he finds a deaf guy, a mime, and a grumpy old man and helps stop a couple of nogoodniks bent on robbing the place.
#podcast #tv #retrotv #seventies #eighties #littlesthobo #dogs #arcades #videogames #canada
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Power Rankings: The best regular segments on "Entertainment Tonight"
Sunday, June 4, 2023
Top Ten #252
Saturday, June 3, 2023
YouTube Spotlight: John Tesh's "Roundball Rock"
Friday, June 2, 2023
Power Rankings: Entertainment Tonight recurring segments that should have been
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Show Notes and Video Playlist: Episode 11-2: Entertainment Tonight
Episode 11-2: Entertainment Tonight
In our first listener poll episode of the season, we cover two episodes of the original entertainment news magazine Entertainment Tonight. First up, the series premiere. While the show looks familiar, the hosts might not. Luckily, Burt Reynolds is there to hold the hands the audience and fifty pregnant women. Next, an episode from the classic Mary Hart-John Tesh era. This one has 1986 written all over it--Lionel Richie, the Mets, and Judd Nelson!
#podcast #tv #retrotv #seventies #eighties #entertainmenttonight #maryhart #johntesh #leezagibbons