
Sunday, January 12, 2025

Top Ten #336: Special "second of 2025" edition!

1) FETV: The channel has announced that beginning February 1, it will show "most" of its movies and shows, all of the vintage variety "original form and uncut." This could be huge for classic TV lovers if they can actually pull this off and figure out a way to have DVR-able schedules. Right now, FETV shows Perry Mason, Highway Patrol, Quincy, Barney Miller, Laramie, and more.

2) Winter weather: It's too cold! And I don't want more snow. That is all.

3) The Mad Dash: Charlie in our Facebook group posted a clip, and after that, I was off to the races trying to find full episodes of this funky late-Seventies game show.

4) All in the Family: The show premiered on this night back in 1971, and TV would never be the same due to the groundbreaking decision to stop showing To Rome with Love.

5) Golden Globes: Congratulations to BOTNS fave Ted Danson for winning the Carol Burnett Award (She ain't bad, either).

6) Hollywood Squares: As yet another version of the show debuts this Thursday on CBS, it's time again to appreciate the original, or at least the 1970s incarnation:

7) ABC Theater: The Court-Martial of Lt. William Calley: 50 years ago, this dramatic episode of ABC Theater premiered on NBC. No, just kidding; it was on ABC, of course, following a rerun of the more uplifting Free to Be You and Me.

8) Maverick: It's outside our time frame, but who can fault us for pointing out that the James Garner Western is now on Starz as well as Pluto?

9) Bosom Buddies: Catchy Comedy has a marathon of the sitcom today. I'm, uh, crazy about the blonde (I don't mean Peter Scolari).

10) National Kiss a Ginger Day: I have it on good authority that this one has "still got it."

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