2) The Streets of San Francisco: In case you missed, BOTNS Episode Club this week spotlights this series and Season 2's "Before I Die" with guest star Leslie Nielsen!
3) Little House on the Prairie: First, it gets an award from Nielsen for being one of the most-streamed "legacy" TV shows (Thanks to our FB group friend John for the tip), and Is this series...having a moment?
Well, if it is, it will surely be followed by a plague of locusts and a devastating natural disaster.
4) The Grammys: Tonight the awards celebrate...uh, a bunch of people. I will look back to the 1985 Grammys:
5) The Sullivan Years: A Tribute to Ed: As opposed to Susan, I guess. This special celebrated Ed's amazing run on CBS. It was hosted by Dick Cavett, who may have accidentally slipped in a tribute to Woody Allen at some point.
6) Gunsmoke: This is another show cited by Nielsen as being a huge legacy show on streaming. Believe it or not, this is technically a BOTNS-era show because, well, it spanned the entire history of the medium.
7) Tater Tot Day:
8) Police Woman and Police Story: I believe most of the two NBC 1970s cop shows, formerly on Crackle (and maybe even formerly on Roku), are now streaming on Roku Channel. Otherwise February looks like a lean month for "new" old shows.
9) The Nuclear Threat to You: 50 years ago tonight, John Chancellor hosted this NBC special talking about the chances for nuclear catastrophe and how to prepare for it. You mean on top of all the other misery going on in the 1970s, they still had to worry about the bomb?
10) R.I.P. John Erwin: He had the power!
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