January 17
Love Boat Season 3 (Volume 1 and 2): "Exciting and new"? You be the judge, but keep in mind it's been 7 1/2 years since the last official release of the series. Plus CBS adds insult to injury by splitting the season in half. That's like asking Isaac to tend bar (and point at the camera) with one arm tied behind his back.
January 24
Hooperman Season 1 and 2: Well, at least they're coming out the same day, but I wonder how many who buy season 1 aren't interested in season 2 and vice versa. Get your dramedy from Olive Films. Wait, no, sorry. Get your groundbreaking dramedy from Olive Films.
February 7
227 Season 1: Mill Creek presents this budget-priced re-release. See where the epic saga began!
Dynasty Season 1: What do you do when you finish a long-running series on DVD? Well, you just start over from the beginning, apparently.
Quantum Leap: Complete Series (also on Blu-Ray): Previous releases were marred by music replacements, so unless this Mill Creek repackaging fixes all of that, you might want to leap back in time and record the show off air.
Twilight Zone (1980s) Complete Series: I haven't seen any of these in years, but the price for this repackaging is pretty good...or IS it?
February 14
Kojak Season 1: Who loves you, baby? Universal loves you enough to give you a chance to buy this all over again at the same high price instead of doing a discounted complete series set.
February 21
Lou Grant Season 4: Only 20 episodes this season, but it's great to see Lou continuing on DVD, and I think it's safe to say Shout! will put out S5, maybe by the end of the year. I'd have to do some research, but I think this set will have the episode in which the reporters face a moral dilemma and Lou has to yell at somebody.
March 14
CHiPs Season 5: No roller disco this season, but you will get punk rock (Ponch sings!) and Bruce Jenner (filling in when Erik Estrada holds out in a contract dispute)!
Newhart Season 8: Honestly, I had no idea the show was this far along on DVD. Kudos to Shout! for seeing it through and delivering this final season.
What on this list excites you? Would you like to see us cover any of these series on an upcoming BOTNS?
Hooperman?! The dramedy revival--wait, sorr--the groundbreaking dramedy revival begins here.