
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Top Ten #53

1) Spider-Woman: The subject of this week's podcast episode just might be the coolest thing on Disney Plus. What can we say? We love shows with thoughtful plotting, deep characterization, and lush animation. And we also love shows like this.

Image result for spider-woman cartoon

2) Mean Joe Greene: The star (his acting totally blows the little kid off the screen) of what is still the greatest Super Bowl commercial of all time:


3) Fred Silverman: R.I.P. The Man with the Golden Gut. Hey, why hasn't anyone said we "need" a "fat" James Bond yet?

Anyway, rest in peace to the man who played a huge role in scheduling and programming at all 3 networks in the BOTNS era. In our Facebook group, Mike linked to this great piece by Mark Evanier.

4) Khan!: The TV Confidential podcast did a great segment on this rare 1975 ABC updating of Charlie Chan that was protested by Asian-Americans and disavowed by its own star, who took his name off the credits! Of course now I want to see it, but apparently no one has it. Someone on Twitter posted a news article about the show's demise while noting how difficult it is to get info on it.

Image result for khan! cbs 1975

5) Superdome: Anyone else plan on preparing for the Big Corporate Showcase by watching this 1978 TV movie about disaster at the Big Corporate Showcase?

6) Days of Our Lives and The Young and the Restless: The long-running soap operas earned renewals of one year and four years from their respective networks, meaning they will have been on a combined total of...approximately forever.

7) Midnight Special: The late-night ABC music program premiered on this date in 1973

8) Michael Talbott (1955): Happy birthday to Miami Vice's Stan Switek:

9) Bugs Bunny: Kudos to the guys at 20th Century Pop for spotlighting this awesome PSA in their recent episode. "Keep those pot handles toined in!" was a mantra of my childhood.

10) Jack Burns: R.I.P. to comedian who did all kinds of stuff, including the unenviable task of "replacing" Don Knotts on The Andy Griffith Show. For our era, I remember him most for wearing that jacket on Fridays and for his role as Ralph in this show:

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