2) It's a Living: Amazon Prime video added season 1 of this 1980s series, and after seeing it again for the first time in years, we can't wait...
to see what other 1980s shows they might add.
3) Janet Du'Bois: R.I.P. If Larry Dallas personifies the wacky TV neighbor, Willona Woods personifies the foxy TV neighbor.
4) Spider-Man: When we talk about great TV personalities who constantly reinvent themselves (as opposed to the consistent branding of a Charo), we should talk more about Spidey. His 1981 cartoon, now on Disney Plus, is no Spider-Woman--much of it actually makes sense--but it's quite entertaining.
5) The Jeffersons: Decades ran a "Weekend Binge" of the show, an essential component of anyone's Black History Month education.
6) Marc Price: The performer turned 52 yesterday, which made me think about the fact that if we ranked the most beloved characters on Family Ties, Skippy would probably rank no lower than third. That scares me.
7) National Chip Day: Let's all celebrate the underrated member of the Kate and Allie cast, Frederick Koehler, whose portrayal of Chip helped--wait, we're being told it's Tortilla Chip Day.
8) He-Man: Kevin Smith's Netflix reboot of the franchise garnered big-time buzz when some casting news came out last week. How about Paul Giamatti as Monteeg?
9) Edward James Olmos: Happy birthday, Mr. Olmos, sir.
(Rick respectfully nods, shuffles aside, and turns around without making eye contact)
10) Abe Vigoda: Happy birthday to the living legend, a true giant in TV who it seems will be with us forever. Wait, we're being told--Really? 2016? Seriously?
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