
Monday, March 28, 2022

A look at the new RetroFan magazine

I joked in our Facebook group that if there was any doubt that RetroFan was a magazine for me, it should be dispelled by one of the stories in the latest issue: "Rare Pro Wrestling Erasers." That piece is indeed a brief but informative look at the Japanese items in question and the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy line inspired by it. There's a lot more for us Seventies/Eighties TV fans in the ish.

Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse is a product of the early Sixties, but I remember watching reruns as a kid, and Will Murray has a great history of the Bob Kane (sort of--read the article) cartoon. Andy Mangels has a typically thorough look at the confusing story of how two competing Ghostbusters animated series hit the airwaves at the same time.

Other stories are only tangentially connected to the BOTNS zone but are still worthwhile, like the interview with cover girl Caroline Munro and a summary of Watergate that gets into the pop culture aspects of that saga. The Wacky Packages history touches on many products we all saw on TV ads, of course. There's a short "retro crush" appreciation of Kim Richards. A piece on the Red Skelton Museum of American Comedy is basically a promo for the place (it's co-written by the museum's director), but I enjoyed it and had no idea the building existed.

It's a bit less focused on our era than some other issues but another fine issue. You can find out more here, and I point out again, this is not a compensated promo, but just me passing along the latest on my favorite magazine.

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