
Thursday, May 30, 2024

Checking in again with RetroFan

 It's been a while since I reported on RetroFan magazine, available here, so let's take a look at the latest issue, which happens to have a few features with direct ties to recent BOTNS episodes. As always, the whole package is a great read, but this issue's (May 2024, #32) topic selection is a bit more esoteric than usual.

The cover feature on David Cassidy is a good read, delving into the more complicated parts of the actor's legacy. Mark Voger covers his whole career in brief but with clarity, touching on the 1970s NBC misfire David Cassidy Man Undercover.

Andy Mangels' column is always a treat, and his in-depth look at Thundarr the Barbarian is a highlight of the issue. I only wish it had been around when Mike and I talked about the show on the pod!

One of the more unusual pieces is the "Retro Music" look at Sonny and Cher, whose variety show we covered last seasonwhose variety show we covered last season. Paula Finn focuses on a personal encounter she had with the duo as a starstruck teen in 1967!

Other pieces aren't as directly related to BOTNS, but the Mighty Mouse article is very good, and I enjoy the Retro Travel feature, which goes to Roswell, New Mexico this issue.

I expect the next issue, with a bionic cover duo, to arrive in a couple of weeks, and I look forward to it as always. I get no compensation for plugging the mag, but especially now that it is not going to be sold at Barnes and Noble anymore (Publisher decision in response to changes in B&N rates and policies, I gather), I like to do what I can to make people aware of it.

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