
Sunday, October 31, 2021

Top Ten #139: Special "Now it IS Halloween" Edition!

1) It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown: After decades, it remains the essential animated Halloween special, and it keeps its charm each time I see it. It still bothers me, though, that actual adults are giving out rocks to any little kid:

2) Halloween is Grinch Night: The great Fuzzy Memories YT channel posted a tape of a showing with original commercials, so you can relive our Season 5 look at the special (and the controversy!) and watch the original:

3) Hammer House of Horror: Decades has a Weekend Binge of the 1980 anthology series that, as we all remember, put Fred Williamson in a different macabre situation each week.

4) Killing at Hell's Gate: 40 years ago tonight, CBS aired this TV movie starring Bob urich, Deborah Raffin, Joel Higgins, and Lee Purcell. Urich's face at the end of this clip sells it for me:

5) Kojak: If we can step away from the Halloween theme for an entry, Get TV is now running the 1970s cop show.

Hey, wait. Kojak likes...lollipops, which many will give out for trick-or-treating tonight! There we go!

6) Dan Rather: One of the most notable Halloween birthdays is the 90-year-old newsman, someone we discussed a bit in our 60 Minutes episode.

Now more than ever, we need...Courage.

7) Almond Joys and Mounds: What's a CBS Special Presentation without incessant plugs for these candies (ones I didn't even like despite wanting to after watching all the ads)?

8) McDonald's Gift Certificates: I always thought this was an underrated Halloween handout. Maybe you'd get a small ice cream cone or something relatively inconsequential, but the point was, it gave your folks an excuse to go to McDonald's.

9) R.I.P.: Val Bisoglio: Obituaries focused on his role as the dad in Saturday Night Fever, but I remember him primarily as Danny on Quincy.

10) R.I.P. Joanna Cameron: Always and forever the real Isis!

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