Unfortunately, the uploader lays in a modern Muse song over the original footage, which is a little discombobulating, but it's really hard to find a lot of info about this movie. In fact, I kind of regret putting it in the playlist now.
I thought at first it was a made-for-TV movie, but I can't confirm that, nor can I confirm it got a theatrical release. Was it a straight-to-video feature? In 1984? I do know that it received multiple spiffy-looking VHS releases.
Here is Encyclopedia.com's reprint of the VideoHound review:
Government agents attempt to uncover a private organization that has gained control of nuclear weapons for the purpose of world domination. A ragged patchwork of disconnected scenes meant to test the virtue of patience. 90m/C VHS . Martin Landau, Michael Ansara, MacDonald Carey; D: Mark Sobel.
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